TICFF, the Taiwan International Children's Film Festival, aims to become the first film festival in the lives of children!

Watching movies is an unforgettable magical experience — what may seem ordinary and mundane in reality can be refreshing through the lens of film. Many imaginative fantasies can only become real in the world of movies. Movie screens act like a door, opening new perspectives, and allowing one to witness various possibilities. Movies are a big part of the journey of growing up, weaving diverse imaginations and stimulating the potential for self-awareness, social observation, critical thinking, and artistic appreciation in children. TICFF firmly believes that whether it's in the art of film or individual growth, "possibility" is a crucial element worth exploring.

The brand spirit of TICFF is " Make it possible: Exploring the world and the limitless possibilities of people." In addition, we bear the mission of being the "first film festival in the lives of children," providing high-quality film content to broaden the international perspective of Taiwanese children, allowing them to experience creative aesthetics and expand their life experiences in a multicultural environment.

To create possibilities, the international competition of the film festival offers a NTD million-dollar prize, inviting international filmmakers and their works to screen in Taiwan, inspiring creativity and encouraging industry exchange. Additionally, a special "Taiwan Award" is awarded to support local creators and promote the domestic children's film and television industry.

Believing in possibilities, we cherish the creativity and imagination of children. Every edition of the festival includes the "Kids as Directors Workshop," an audiovisual education program encouraging children to transition from viewers to creators. PTS assists in guiding the filming process, and the resulting works premiere in the workshop segment of each festival. Several films from previous editions have participated in international film festivals and received awards, allowing children to step onto the global stage.

Pursuing possibilities, we plan high-quality film festival content. Here, you can find the best narrative films, animations, documentaries, and TV programs suitable for children from around the world. Additionally, there are numerous workshops, courses, and gaming activities, allowing children to choose how they most want to participate in the festival.

TICFF has been organized by PTS since 2004. It is the first biennial film festival in Asia specifically designed for children under 12, and its scale is considered the largest in Asia. As we approach the 20th year in 2024, we will continue to move forward, aiming to be the first film festival every child attends in their life.

In the 11th edition of TICFF in 2024, the festival extends the theme of "possibility" from its brand spirit to "potential." This year's festival invites children of all ages to join the adventure and showcase their potential! The adventure can be participating in festival activities, experiencing the adventures of characters in movies, or even the journey of a child's growth. Inspired by the common screenplay theory of the "Hero's Journey," the theme of this edition of TICFF is "We are Heroes."

Following this theme, this edition of the film festival creates an adventurous world where children can transform into heroes, accumulating rich life experiences through adventure and showcasing their potential!

Partners and Sponsors


  • 文化部


  • Pts Logo


  • 府徽臺北市政府
  • 台北市文化局logo [轉換]
  • 文基會logo
  • 影委會logo [轉換]
  • 新北市文化局logo新(請使用下方有英文名稱的logo))

Supporting Organizer

  • 富邦


  • A. 加拿大辦事處
  • A 1 加台藝術交流
  • Img 9320
  • 640px Belgian Office Taipei Logo.svg
  • 比利時法語文化區國際關係總署logo
  • 遠東譯像logo

In-kind Sponsors

  • 10701 Ibon Logo 售票系統
  • TAFI Logo
  • 智高中文logo
  • 女兒logo 中英文 (2023)
  • Logo 1
  • 20210819 樂食沛輔助圖
  • 20180122 Logo
  • 米森
  • 舒希生活logo+盾牌+中英(合作廠商)
  • Snapshot妞拍貼 Ci
  • 春一枝logo
  • Mindduo 親子共讀 Logo
  • 成功
  • 保力達
  • 基金會logo 02
  • 印花樂品牌視覺識別系統 2020.1.10 Nancy
  • Logo
  • 台灣媒體觀察教育基金會 確認2 Ol 11
  • 高雄市電影館 Logo (黑橫)

Media Partners

  • 簡稱 中英文橫式
  • Logo 橫 公版 (2)
  • 標準字
  • Incg Media Logo 150
  • 故事logo 橫式 去背 黑
  • Bankofculture Logo 2
  • Cacao Logo (2)
  • Lapsee
  • Tft Logo 單圓 彩
  • Nlot Logo

Venue Partners

  • 威秀影城企業識別系統共通標準規範(全版本) (cc)
  • 府中15 Logo Temp 26oct

Online Screening Platform


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